Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Read Me First

I've been reading a lot of blogs recently, and I have decided to join in. I have not yet decided on an actual point to this, yet, or a theme, but I'm going to go ahead and just start it, because this is how I live my life.

I have decided that I am going to do a top ten for my first post and have it inform readers everywhere things they need to know about me before things get real.

Top 10 Things To Know About Allison Before Things Get Real

10. My name is Allison. I rarely go by any other name.

9. I love lots of things and people.

8. I probably have undiagnosed ADD.

7. I am a little obsessed with grammar and spelling.

6. I am always looking for ways to be better. I am open to any suggestions along that nature.

5. Reason should be first and foremost, but sometimes my emotions are tricky/get in the way.

4. Sometimes I curse. I'll try not to here, but it might happen.

3. Art is not my strong suit, but I will probably draw things and put them here.

2. Graphs are my favorite.

1. I rarely have misadventures on my own. If I know you, you might be put in this blog. If you have a problem with this, you should probably tell me.

So, that's all for now. Oh, except I drew a picture of a red duck. It was supposed to be a t-rex, but then I realized I have no idea how to create one of those. I will practice later.

1 comment:

  1. Oh cracking me up..... I am very excited to see what ridiculousness occurs here... Bring it on!
